Sunday, February 09, 2020

My Ukelele Collection

   I'm back! Sorry, I have not updated my blog as often as I should do. What's new? Nothing much. I just want to share with you a new hobby of mine. Actually, I have my old ukelele with me for quite awhile. I got my ukelele, 3 years ago, from a local music store inside the mall, RJ Music at SM North. What made me interested in buying a ukelele? Well, I just wanted to play a love song, entitled LAVA, from Disney Pixar. Yes, I'm a romantic by heart, even if I'm not that young anymore.

My first ukelele was a Soprano ukelele. This was the most common ukelele. Just last year I became engrossed in playing the ukelele. I love to play contemporary music, and sometimes classic ones. My love for music was rekindled because of a special person in my life. I really haven't played for a long time, and not even everyday as I did with my ukelele. By the way, I have no formal training, or tutor with this one, unlike with the other instruments that I have learned in the past (piano, organ, guitar, and the recent one was the Chinese instrument, called erhu - 2 stringed fiddle).

Last month, I bought another ukelele. Before buying I did a research first. There are four ukelele sizes, Soprano, Concert, Tenor and the Baritone. I only have the first 3 sizes, since, they are all tuned in the same key G, C, E and A. While the Baritone ukelele is the biggest size among them all.

I love using my Kala Tenor ukelele. It is made of mahogany, and larger than the Soprano, and Concert ukelele. I even put a Sakura flower design on it, so I can say that's really my ukelele, because I personally put a design on it.

 Kala is one of the most popular and well-loved ukelele brands. My Kala has an equalizer, and a built-in tuner. It is now priced at $197.99. It's a bit expensive. In my experience, high-priced instruments are more reliable in terms of durability and sound quality than the cheaper ones. I often use this, so its worth it.

As I mentioned earlier, I ordered the world's first smart ukelele by Xiaomi. It is called the POPULELE. I love the design, it reminds me of Mickey Mouse. The fretboard lights up, and with the downloadable app, it can teach you the chords where, and what fret to press as it lights up. This app is really good for  beginners. The package comes with a bag, extra strings, two picks, and a USB line for charging. It is made of maple wood. I bought it for around $96.

So that's about it. I hope you also find the right musical instrument for you. Playing an instrument is another way of relieving stress, and it makes you happy. After all, the ukelele is one happy instrument.