Sunday, February 11, 2018

Stardust by Neil Gaiman

  I just watched Stardust again. I mean, I re-watched it again. I was able to see this movie a year or two before but I was not that interested, at first I found the movie to be really long (2 hours to be exact), and it bore me. But then again, I bought the book yesterday. So I decided to watch it again. All I can say is I was impressed!

It felt like watching, the classic movie, 'The Princess Bride,' with a 'Wizard of Oz' twist. I just love the characters in the movie, and I like the build-up. This is not my first-time to watch a Gaiman's film. I have watched Gaiman's, 'Coraline,' and it sure is creepy. Just like what dreams are made of. Sweet dreams at first, and then in an instant it becomes a nightmare. No doubt Gaiman is a good storyteller. Everything that you're looking for is in this movie. A magical fantasy, wicked witches, flying pirates, and falling star. (Just like what the caption in the movie poster says).

There were also unforgettable lines from the movie. One short, but meaningful quote that I remember is, "No star can shine with a brokenheart." Also, with all the chaos, lies, bad happenings in this world. Love makes life worth living for, it makes life more meaningful. Without love, I'm sure this world would be zillion times chaotic. There's also a lot of lessons in this movie. (Spoilers ahead!). Some of us think that the person we like, or the one that we pine for is really the one meant for us. But the truth is that there is someone more worthy of our feelings/affection. Someone who will love us back, wherein we don't need to go to great lengths to impress that person, to prove our love is true, or to make that person fall for us. You don't need to wear a mask, or pretend in front of that person, because he or she accepts you just the way you are. He or she is someone who brings out the best in you. Another good lesson learned in the movie, is that family is important. Riches, and inheritance can really be a problem, but what is more important is your respect, and love for one another.

If you haven't seen this movie, or if you still have not read the book. I suggest you grab a copy now. Also, this movie is available on Netflix.

Isn't it nice to think that there's a star watching over us. A star that's shining down on us every night. More than just a stardust.

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